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  • Next Level Interviews: Jeremy Scott

Next Level Interviews: Jeremy Scott

The ‘Next Level Interviews’ is a series that I’ve created to help give you the more interesting and effective health and fitness information available. I’ve sought out the definitive leaders in their field, to ask them what they are currently working on, and what they find personally interesting regarding health and wellness.

Jeremy Scott

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Jeremy for the last several months after we met at a small gathering in Florida this past fall. Prior to that, I had been a regular follower of his videos and social media postings (check out the Mandatory Minute series he has put together – awesome stuff).

Jeremy Scott runs Jeremy Scott Fitness in Scottsdale, AZ.  In addition to being a fitness cover model, he’s a gluten free eating, fitness junkie, whose passion for his clients’ success can only be outmatched by his work ethic for it (seriously…his hustle is impressive!).  Jeremy prides himself on giving you real, unfiltered, no BS truth about health, nutrition, and real life advice to ensure you “Make Success Mandatory” in your life.

One of the things that has always stuck out to me about the content that Jeremy produces online, and was solidified when we met in person, is his passion for fitness and the genuine care that he has for his clients and their well being – that reaches beyond just weight loss.

Here’s my Next Level interview with Jeremy.

Dr. Mike: What is an area that you are focusing on with clients now that you previously did not emphasize?

Jeremy Scott: Hands down, the biggest change we focus on now, that we didn’t previously, is habits. We break down our clients’ daily habits, focusing on “why” they do the things they do. When applicable, we create a new daily ritual to help them change the poor habits and enhance the positive ones.

DrM: What is the thing you find the most exciting about what you are doing now with clients?

JS: Seeing the overall lifestyle changes they are making. The transformations many of our clients see go far beyond just dress size, pants size, and numbers on the scale. We see their strength increase, their internal confidence grow, and they start to live their life with a little more swagger. It lights me up personally to see them seeing success in all areas of their life.

DrM: What are your top 3 key daily habits that you find most valuable to your overall health and well-being?


  1. Having a plan/goals written down– for proper training, nutrition, rest & recovery.

  2. Being consistent at following the plan – putting in the work day after day regardless of what obstacles come my way.

  3. Holding myself accountable – taking full responsibility for everything I do or don’t do. I instill this with my clients too. The clients we have who own their decisions see the most success in the long run.

DrM: What is one area that you think is important for overall health and wellness that you think most people under appreciate?

JS: Accountability – just look at some of the greatest athletes of all time who once were in amazing shape, and now are overweight and unhealthy. They no longer have the accountability to train and eat for their goals. Having a strong inner circle and community of people holding you accountable goes a long way in a person’s success.

Connect with Jeremy

Jeremy is currently enrolling people in his 47 Day Transformation Coaching Program. This is a great program where Jeremy walks you through, day by day, a 47 day diet and training program. All the workouts have videos to go along with them. He helps you set up your calorie and macronutrient levels and then monitors your diet throughout the entire program. Click here to check out the program and success stories from the program.

You can save $50 on the program but using the coupon code DRMIKE50 at checkout if you choose to enroll.


or to participate.