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  • HD Abs: The Ab-Etching Diet 4 Weeks Of Fat Burning

HD Abs: The Ab-Etching Diet 4 Weeks Of Fat Burning

The weather is warming up. That means your abs don’t need that layer of fat insulation. Get rid of it, quick!

I’m sure you have heard there is a limit to the number of pounds you can lose in one week. Most docs will tell you that shedding 1-2 pounds per week is healthy weight loss.

Well, I have good news for you.

That is a lie.

My good friend and expert trainer Alwyn Cosgrove told me years ago that he saw fat loss as a thermostat: if you want to lose fat faster, turn up the dial and turn up the heat. In order to make your abs pop, your thermostat needs to be pegged in the red zone.


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